Inigove vyjadrenie!


I’ve seen you have published a short statement already about the reason I was unable to come to UClub on Friday. Dik!
I’ve prepared a short statement of my own and I’d appreciate it very much if you could publish it as soon as possible (either in English or translated into Slovak if you prefer)… I’d like to apologise personally for being unable to perform at UClub on Friday 13th December. This was due to events entirely out of my control. British Airways cancelled my flight to Vienna due to bad weather in London. This was after a three hour delay. It was chaos. In fact it was haluska! I feel as let down as anyone else. Probably more. I did everything I could and worked extremely hard at great cost to myself (time, energy, financial and more) to arrange be able to fulfil my booking in Levice on Saturday. I hope those of you that were there appreciated it and more importantly enjoyed it!
I’m looking forward to coming again soon!

Inigo Kennedy / Asymmetric Records London UK

Videl som, že ste publikovali článok o tom, prečo som neprišiel v piatok do Uclubu a pripravovil som si krátke vyjadrenie. Bol by som rád, keby ste ho mohli uverejni(buĎ v angličtině alebo slovenčine).. .

Britské aerolinky zrušily múj let do Vídně kvúli špatnému počasí v Londýně. Dělal jsem všechno, co jsem mohl, ale bohužel marne. Doufám, že ste si to tam poriadne užili i beze mne!
Těšte se, vrátim se brzo !

preklad : Tommino

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