Sunstorm stage
19-20:30 Leo Lycra
20:30-21:30 BB Mike
21:30-22:30 Orbith
22:30-24 Hifi Princess+Max Brown
24-1:30 Preach
1:30-3 Eric Sneo
3-4 Michael Scuberman
4-5:30 Mario Ranieri
5:30-7 Kaisersoze
7-7:45 Southeast live
7:45-9:30 Radan Mach
9:30-11 Leo Lycra (happy morning set)
11-?? Hatori djs

21:00-23:00 x.morph + lobotomia
23:00 – 00:30 larry
00:30-02:00 sayko
02:00-03:30 elvis
03:30 – 05:00 gotia + pawlee(vocals)
05:00-07:00 shade

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