Vo filme Paríž, milujem a sa zišli svetoznámi režiséri, medzi ktorých patria napríklad bratia Coenovci, Gus Van Sant, Alfonso Cuarón, Gurinder Chadha, Wes Craven, Walter Salles, Alexander Payne alebo Olivier Assayas, aby spoločne ukázali Paríž spôsobom, aký tu ešte nebol – natočený ľuĎmi rovnako kozmopolitnými ako mesto samo.
Americký turista vidí rasové napätie a paranoidné vízie mesta… Mladá emigrantka pracuje v buržoáznom prostredí… Americká hviezdička natáča v Paríži film… Muž nevie, či by s manželkou alebo milenkou… Mladý muž pracuje v tlačiarni a túži po inom mužovi… Otec zápasí s hnevom k vlastnej dcére… Pár sa snaží okoreni svoj sexuálny život…
To je len pár zážitkov, ktoré tvoria Paríž, milujem a…

In Paris, je t´aime, celebrated directors from around the world, including the Coen Brothers, Gus Van Sant, Gurinder Chadha, Wes Craven, Walter Salles, Alexander Payne and Olivier Assayas, have come together to portray Paris in a way never before imagined. Made by a team of contributors as cosmopolitan as the city itself, this portrait of the city is a diverse as its creators´ backgrounds and nationalities. With each director telling the story of and unusual encounter in one of the city´s neighborhoods, the vignettes go beyond the ´postcard´ view of Paris to portray aspects of the city rarely seen on the big screen. Racial tensions stand next to paranoid visions of the city seen from the perspective of an American tourist. A young foreign worker moves from her own domestic situation into her employer´s bourgeois environs. An American starlet finds escape as she is shooting a movie. A man is torn between his wife and his lover. A young man working in a print shop sees and desires another young man. A father grapples with his complex relationship with his daughter. A couple tries to add spice to their sex life. These are but a few of the witty and serendipitous narratives that make up Paris, je taime.

Marianne Faithfull (Intimita, Mária Antoinetta)
Steve Buscemi (Armagedon, Big Lebowski, Veľký tato)
Miranda Richardson (Hodiny, Fantóm opery)
Juliette Binoche (Paríž, čokoláda, Anglický pacient)
Nick Nolte( Kronika rodu Spiderwickovcov, Tropická búrka)
Olga Kurylenko (Hitman)
Elijah Wood ( Pán Prsteňov)
Natalie Portman (Moje čučoriedkové noci, Ríša hračiek)
Gérard Depardieu (Asterix a Olympijské hry, Edith Piaf)

Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, Gérard Depardieu, Alfonso Cuarón, Gus Van Sant, Christopher Doyle a Ďalší

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