Buddha Bar program na konečne letný mesiac Júl roku 2004

Pondelok 28.06. – IN eMOTION – Dee M

Streda 30.06. – Rádio Buddha Bar by allthatDžez
Štvrtok 01.07. – Nu Spirit of Jazz by Kinet
Piatok 02.07. – Easy Tempo – Dj Mishek / StereoDisco ZA /
Sobota 03.07. – Music Rotation by Gabriel Brunner

Pondelok 05.07. – IN eMOTION – Dee M

Streda 07.07 -. Rádio Buddha Bar by allthatDžez
Štvrtok 08.07. – Under the City by C.o.d.e.
Piatok 09.07. – Culture S….. – rezident Djs
Sobota 10.07 – Daz Klub – Gabriel Brunner a Dee M

Pondelok 12.07. – IN eMOTION – Dee M

Streda 14.07. – Rádio Buddha Bar by allthatDžez
Štvrtok 15.07. – Nu Spirit of Jazz by Kinet
Piatok 16.07. Pohoda?
Sobota 17.07. stále Pohoda?

Pondelok 19.07. – IN eMOTION – Dee M

Streda 21.07. – Rádio Buddha Bar by allthatDžez
Štvrtok 22.07. – Nu Spirit of Jazz by Kinet
Piatok 23.07. – Culture S…..- rezident Djs
Sobota 24.07. – All You Can Eat by Magalova

Pondelok 26.07. – IN eMOTION – Dee M

Streda 28.07. – Rádio Buddha Bar by allthatDžez
Štvrtok 29.07. – Under the City by C.o.d.e.
Piatok 30.07. – Culture S…..- rezident Djs
Sobota 31.07 – All You Can Eat by Magalova

Text: Dee M

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